Place: St Pete Beach, FL 36/45
Main activity: Sun - Christmas cooking & gathering
Notes: Woke around 430a. Didn't go for a run like I thought (due to shower/plumbing issues and hip/lower back tightness). Invited Andy & Jake over for Merry Mini Un-Mimosas and pistachio muffin - they came over around 1030a. I juiced fresh oranges and grapefruit and we added pomegranate seeds - were really good! Karen (neighbor) and her 2 gay guy friends stopped over after with a big box of awful southern spicy heavy food. They were quite loud and felt militant and emotional - weird. Went into bedroom then when B was talking to daughter/grandkids very loudly in living room for a long time. I talked to Mic instead for an hr and 7 min. Realized then I had to get cooking: sea bass w/ lemon and butter, tuscan carrots and smashed brussel sprouts w/ bread - turned out good but eating over an hour past 3p. Shower and cleaned up then to go to Andy's at 5p - her cousin Daria had arrived and her friend Victoria (birthday) & son Casey - was a nice gathering and I stayed until 830p, B didn't come. Very tired when I got back and just went to bed.

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