
The weather forecast for this part of the world today said "3.8 degrees C, feels like -6.1 degrees C"...but just right for a walk if you wrapped up warm (which I did). This is the view from the beach at Mersehead, facing inland (out of the wind). Lots of barnacle geese in the fields, and nice to see the dunes regenerating after they were swept away completely in a storm in 2014.

On returning home, I put my latest sourdough loaf in the oven. It had been sitting in the utility room (the nearest thing we have to a fridge) for 17 hours. My last few loaves have been very tasty, but haven't risen as much as I'd have liked (and with no "oven spring" so beloved of sourdough bakers). I had tweaked the recipe this time to make the dough less wet, and was very pleased with the result (see extra). Still too warm to cut open so no photo of the crumb...

I lit the fire early and finished my jigsaw. D is making the tea tonight :-)

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