2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun


The reason for blipping The Torch will become apparent at the end of this write up.

I'm recovering today after a very late night last night.

Many of us who were there had sore heads today. We think it was the custard on our pudding.
You see we were all drinking different things so it can't be the alcohol. The common denominator is the custard!

This who won awards last night at our end of season dinner were very worthy.

Today Manchester United have been presented with their 20th League title (Sir Alex Ferguson's 38th trophy)

And tonight I will probably fall asleep during the BAFTA's

So far there have been 3 awards with London 2012 references.

Fellow Torch Bearer Clare Balding for her amazing sports coverage

Channel 4's Paralympic coverage, which was brilliant; and the hilarious Twenty Twelve.

So that's all good then.

Have a great week.

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