Snowy walk

Thought I'd get my blip in while I have internet in case it goes again this evening.
Mr Rat went out to upload the Christmas services to YouTube (much faster at church, it takes hours here even when we do have access) but decided to leave it until later as it started snowing and a walk beckoned. He's out now, after lunch, completing the task.
It snowed quite hard and everwhere was lovely but by lunchtime the snow was getting wetter and is now rain here.
I took my Yaktraks in case it was icy and somehow managed to drop them. We retraced our tracks but they were nowhere in sight so I expect that's them gone (though I have put a post on Facebook just in case).
Now I've done what I need to online I'll have to go and do the ironing, not much but I don't like it building up.
Nothing else planned for the day.

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