
While the kids were off out for the day, I spent some time in the garden while the weather was nice. I haven’t done anything in the garden for months so it was good to cut back some of the buddleia (there was too much to fit in the green bin if I did it all at once), and reshape the spirea, plus a few other things. And I swept the bottom patio using sharp sand and that did a good job of getting rid of the green algae that had started to build up. Hard work though!

Time for a quick play on the Xbox, then lunch and settled down to watch Dr Zhivago, which I haven’t seen for years. I only got halfway through before nodding off though, and the. Paul returned home so I’ll save the other half for another day. 3 hours is too long for a film! Adam and Tomoko are off watching Reading play Swansea (horrible weather for it!) so they’ll be back later on.

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