Fleet Pond

As the sun was shining this morning, we headed out straight after breakfast for a walk around Fleet Pond to get some fresh air. I thought I’d forgotten to take my phone with me so I borrowed Adam’s new iPhone to take some pictures - such better quality than mine!

While we were standing in this spot, we got chatting to a man with a telescope who had just seen a kingfisher. I mentioned I’d never seen one and a couple of minutes later he called me over to show me one through his telescope! Apparently, they’re a common sighting here.

Home to lunch, an afternoon nap, and probably more games this evening. A relaxing Boxing Day!

Extra: the crackers yesterday had an origami model to make in each one. Needless to say, Tomoko was much quicker and neater than the rest of us, plus she produced a beautiful flower and the ubiquitous crane before we’d even finished our one model!

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