Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Happy fail

I got up at 8am determined to minimise the seasonal food waste and by 10.30 I had made Christmas dinner leftover pasties, roasted squash, cauliflower, carrots and celeriac, and sautéed mushrooms. 

The pasties are really lovely.  Our main meal has yielded three days of eating this year. Great stuff.

Did a lot of cleaning and domestics before having a chilled afternoon and then driving up to London for B’s 50th birthday bash in Vauxhall. It was a happy, chilled affair. Really nice people - lots of creatives working in music and the arts - and excellent conversation, all topped off with a bit of heartwarming family news. I invented a new type of cake whilst I was there which has Merry Christmas written on one side and happy birthday on the other. A special invention for people whose birthday falls in the week either side of Christmas Day. 

Yet again I was having such a good time that I didn’t take any photos so blippers fail - instead of something artistic, here is a boring shot of the pasties. But better that than an excellent photograph and a boring day. 

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