Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

13.7 billion years old

According to  Golonzo Palaez 

we are presently in our human form, but the transformed matter and energy we are made of has existed since the beginning of time and will exist till the end of time, the matter and energy we are made of was once scattered all over the Universe, and once we have ceased to be humans, our matter and energy will once again be returned to the stars and the Universe to be recycled again by the same Universe. Presently we are all starmen...

I think I shall call it The Dix Paradox. Even the most boring person is actually a star man. Reassuring to know on a day of piss awful weather in Woking. Did rather drag the mood down. 

On the plus side Strider finished boxing up the thousand or so books he owns. I did my bit by creating garage space. We also had lots of reading time and cooked a nice dinner. And we managed a walk and a coffee. But generally I would describe it as a flat day…

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