
We always get up early on Christmas Day and today was no exception. We like to get up early whilst it's still dark, put the tree lights on and just sit in peace and quiet for a few minutes before the festivities start.
Then we cracked open a very early bottle of Prosecco to toast the day, opened our presents at a leisurely pace with a couple of more glasses of the fizzy stuff followed by bacon rolls. Lovely!
It was then down to the serious business of the Christmas dinner, which me and my brother cook every year, whilst maintaining what we call a 'low burble', a gentle day long flow of alcoholic beverages in an attempt to keep any culinary based stresses at bay. This means we can alternate between the odd glass of wine or beer and peeling, cooking, roasting and basting. It works for me!:-)
We always feel nicely relaxed until the final stages of trying to get everything on the plate - three types of veg (parsnips, carrots and broccoli), two types of potatoes (roast and mash), pigs in blankets, gravy, bread sauce and of course the turkey itself. Thankfully it all tasted delicious and we could enjoy our Crimbo repast with a congratulatory glass of wine or two.
The rest of the day was just spent in front of the telly helping ourselves to an array of chocolates, biscuits and mints. The calorie count must have been off the scale but who cares!
My shot sums up how I felt about today (I thought I'd just make my own word up for the title). The Tunnock's Tea Cakes were a present - and surprisingly one of the few things I didn't eat my way through! :-)
I hope all my fellow blippers had a fabulous day.

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