Coffee in the shade

It was another very hot day, stifling in the little hospital room. I can't remember how it was that I got out for long enough to grab a coffee from the Costas at the hospital entrance and take it into the park, perhaps the nice student nurse stayed with J, but I know it was around lunchtime and all the benches were occupied. I found this shady log and talked to P on the phone. Good coffee was a rare treat, as Costas closed at four and most days I didn't have the opportunity to get down there in time, so I relished this one.

It was also a busy day of meetings - doctors, matron, SLT, physio - which was hard work but laid some essential ground for J's return home. It was increasingly clear to us that she was not thriving in hospital and needed to recuperate in a more restful environment where she would be able to relax enough to catch up on much needed sleep.

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