'Rescued by Ruby'

Has anyone else watched the movie, 'Rescued by Ruby'?   OMG; my human loved it! We came across it by accident on NETFLIX.

It's based on a true story and it's all about a little rescue collie, like me. Unlike me, Ruby, kept getting returned to the rescue centre (because she was so naughty) and she was just about to get put to sleep, when someone from the New York K-9 police dept. adopted her. She was still pretty naughty She wee'd on the floor. Well I did that for about 6 months, and did loads of other naughty things, just like me?!! but her owner persevered, just like my human, and she became a 'search & rescue' dog. Long story short................... she became the bestest search & rescue doggie ever and won an award for it in 2018.

I usually woof when animals come on TV so obv I woofed when I first saw Ruby. Ann said, 'NO' in a really stern voice and she said if I couldn't watch sensibly, I'd have to go into my bed in the kitchen. Obviously, I watched sensibly after that because I like to be where my human is.

Ann still wants to get me trained up as a 'therapy/reading dog' and one of her friends, (who is a Headteacher), has said that I can have a little trial at her school. BUT, it's like everything else, finding the time to do it, is another matter?!!!

Anyway, don't want to spoil the movie for you, if you've not seen it.......... BUT Ruby doesn't only 'rescue' people in an 'official' way. …........Ruby also 'rescues' her owner.......................

It is such a lovely movie showing the bond between a dog and their owner. If you've not done so, please watch it.

…..............And that's all we're going to say........................

Toodles. xxxx

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