Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A safe pair of hands?

"What’s this rock doing here?"
"It’s just hanging out".
"Are you going to do anything with it?"
"We’re going into town for coffee together later".

The first two lines of that narrative actually took place. The others maybe not.

The rock has been used as a bookend in my office. It is too big. I shall release it back into the wild and it can live by the pond with the other rocks. It does have value as a prop although it is very heavy.

Today was a heavy, slow working day. I did go for a walk. I also made tea for TSM  who was having a nightmare week. Flu is running rampant through our local care homes so she is very busy.

The Dizzle has mould in his flat. I suggested he pour Rioja on it. He said "will that help?" and I said "no but at least you’ll have mould wine". He didn’t laugh. I thought it was quite a good seasonal joke.

Okay. Definitely silly season today …

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