By lizzie_birkett

They got a bed!

This morning Frank took T+Y to collect all the household goods from the lady who was giving it all away. They arrived home with boxes and boxes of stuff plus a lovely armchair.
They were dying to tell me what a beautiful place the people lived in, an amazing old mansion. The couple who live there also have Ukrainian guests.
While they were all out the other lady delivered the bed. It’s a really nice one from Ikea, I’ve never seen one like it before. She came in for a coffee and we had a nice chat. The bed will have to stay in the hallway till they move.

Tonya was worried about their friends and family this morning after all the bombing in the early hours of this morning. She managed to contact her Mum, brother and friends and Yurii’s family. 
What a disgusting excuse for a human being that Putin is. When will it ever end?

Anyway, it’s book and bedtime so goodnight Blippers. :-)X

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