Out with the old, in with the slightly newer

I'm not sure if this really qualifies as an abstract photo; perhaps it's more an architectural detail. However, it was prompted by the last Abstract Thursday theme of the year (out with the old, in with the new), and is probably my favourite bit of wall in the village, so I'm taking the opportunity to share it. I walked round some of the oldest parts of the village and along the bottom of the valley before lunch, and photographed several not dissimilar details of walls, but I particularly like the crazy, random way the assorted bricks have been pieced together in this one. The building is now used as a garage, I think; on the left, you can see the newest brickwork, neatly laid using straight, evenly sized bricks, though they may be reclaimed ones as they are traditionally proportioned, longer and slimmer than current bricks. This forms a straight, stable edge abutting the frame of the large door. On the right is what looks like the remains of an older building, a mixture of traditional flints and the yellow-beige bricks above, again probably from two different periods. In between, the crazy patchwork jigsaw of bricks and occasional flints fills the space. 

Thank you Ingeborg for another full year of Abstract Thursday challenges.

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