Hogmanay 2022

The last day of the 2022 has dawned gloomy, chilly and damp as if to remind us that things worldwide seem to be going to hell in a hand cart with war and pestilence widespread. Should tomorrow dawn sunny and bright I might consider that a good omen for 2023. Watch this space!

I managed to avoid going anywhere near the city centre this morning. I am still living off the pickings from Boxing Day. I walked locally and found this almighty puddle outside the Meadows side of the University Library which is relatively benign considering the deluge yesterday and the number of flooded areas in Scotland. 
I am that person who likes a good puddle to blip which always attracts curious looks from passers by.

I am having some down time before being invited to a concert in St Giles this evening  followed by a meal at the home of my swimming buddy. A lovely end to Hogmanay in store for me.

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