Riverside Walk II

Just like last year, my friend and colleague U and I agreed to go for a walk along the Rhine on the last day of the year. Today, we went for an extended loop around the port/marina of Schierstein, We spotted lots of cormorants and white storks. The storks used to migrate south for the winter, but every year, more of them are staying here - an adaptation to the changing climate. 

And there's no doubt that it is changing. In our part of Europe, 2022 was the sunniest and warmest year on record, with way too little rainfall. (Link in German only, sorry). Today is set to be the warmest New Year's Eve on record, too, we walked at 17°C and without jackets. 

I'm not looking forward to midnight, though. The sale and use of individual fireworks has been allowed again after two years, and some people have bought cartloads of pyrotechnics to celebrate the New Year. In this warm weather, nothing will stop them from drinking and having "fun" with their fireworks all night, while we've got to deal with terrified cats. 

Nevertheless, I hope you all have a lovely New Year's Eve and a very happy New Year!


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