Happy Hogmanay

Another end of a year.  Lots of happy things this year, I suppose that is how I want to remember the year, especially as I find NYE a bit emotionally hard.

So we had our civil partnership - 2 1/2 years later than intended, but we did it. It was a fabulous weekend of celebrating with friends and family.  

We became  Granny and Grandpa to the most gorgeous little boy, who warms our hearts every time we see him.  It is a delight to see Louis grow into a wonderful attentive Daddy - who would have thought it.

Fu has settled in Leicester, now working with his own flat and making his own way in the world. 

For me, lots of cycling - 4511 miles and 157 running miles chuffed with both of these.  

Happy New Year Blippers xxxxx

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