A Fallen World : Leaf On The Water, Aylesford

I've decided to start a new project as it's the first day of the year. In our village, just behind the recreation ground and the concrete tennis courts, is some scrubland with lots of trees, quite a number of which have fallen to create a rather unique little world of moss, shadows, pools of water and undulating ground. It doesn't always give up images easily but that is what makes it a challenge to try to capture something. I find it a contemplative place to walk around (it can't be much bigger than an acre or two) and because of the ever changing light, a place I will go back to again and again. Today's image is hopefully the first of many. I loved how this one bright, almost bleached, leaf sat on the surface of this pool of water. The extra features the rootball of one of the many fallen trees. 
As a title for the project I thought of "A Fallen World", but that may change.

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