A Fallen World : From The Leaves To The Sky
Decided to carry on the project from yesterday as it looked like a promising morning weather wise. All the trees in the scrubland are almost totally bare so the ground is just a carpet of wet leaves. This made it slightly treacherous to walk on as there are some steep inclines and one or two precipitous drops towards the pools of water. I persuaded my brother to come with me so we were both looking to find an image.
At first, it was slightly overcast and the scrubland seemed darker still due to the overhanging branches but then suddenly the sun shone and everything changed. Deep shadows and bright highlights appeared and images started to make themselves known. For today's image my idea was to shoot upwards rather than trying to capture what was at my feet. However, the extra is another image of reflections. I loved how the bright end of a sunken branch looked like a shimmering moon.
The rest of the morning was much more domestic - we've got mice again so that means emptying the cupboards (again), disinfecting everything and clearing up their sh*t (again). We're going to have to set the humane traps as well (again). We've learnt they love the smell and taste of peanut butter so it will be all systems go later today to try and capture some of the little blighters!
Just now (4.20 in the afternoon) added one more extra, "Industrial Clouds", as I just loved the sky as the sun was beginning to set.
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