Nothing much

I've lost track of the days but understand today is Monday?  I know that because I did BP first thing and it was packed!  Lots of people with NY resolutions to get fit.  It was a new programme and it was difficult - the lunge track was particularly punishing.  Home to help OH finish taking down the decorations and tidy up everywhere.  The log burner is lovely but it does make a mess but after an hour or so the house was clean again.  OH took MIL out for a drive while I made some cakes and mince pies and they came back for a cuppa and cake.  She is more and more frail and unsteady on her feet - not sure what the answer is really, as exercise doesn't really help?  She is worried about the accommodation that SIL has booked for the wedding - only having one loo?  OH will need to have a conversation with her to check what has been booked.  

Nothing much else today really - had a long chat with No.1 who was resting at home before going to Eastbourne for a mini break tomorrow.  We are meeting up with her at the weekend for V's birthday.  She sounded in good spirits although her steroids have been increased because of pains in her arm/legs and more headaches.  I was hoping that following the radiotherapy the dose would be reduced but apparently radio waves carry on working after the treatment has finished so it might get worse. before it gets better.  

No photos taken today but No.2 sent me a WIP picture - his work in getting better and better.  Hopefully more sales in 2023 (Miami show sold 4 and further sale to collector in New York). 

Aceptable Monday. 

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