Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Rock plants

After a busy weekend, today was a quieter day. The morning involved a trip to the tip. This was a relative pleasure compared to our usual Lincolnshire trip run. This involves a six mile drive then a 20 minute queue on a busy road with the engine running next to signs saying 'No queuing'. Thinks - what else are you suppose to do if you shut the tip half the time to save money?? This morning I drove straight in showing my card and parked the car next to the sunken skip. Two minutes, job done.

This afternoon, I went for a walk around the village. It was the first hot afternoon of the summer. I could have taken shots of sharp shadows, melting snow on Canigou and wild flowers in gardens that are getting overgrown. I chose these rock flowers that someone might be able to identify. They grow out of all the crevices and I rather like them.

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