Place: St Pete Beach, FL 65/81
Main activity: Wed - beach walk, errands, temp moving
Notes: What a day! Have not been doing well and didn't sleep good another night - still have dull-ish headache too for going on 3 days. Got up and walked to beach, found another sand dollar, 2 nice olives and a smallish-tulip w/ a dead thing still in it (was finally able to remove it). Went out in the morning to storage, Gulf Coast seafood (salmon) and then Earth Origins. Took my time but still back early. New plumbing/sewer line company out to survey and give an estimate for replacing the line. B again couldn't deal, emotional or wouldn't finish a sentence. I sat out back a bit in the sun but quickly got cloudy. Joe brought over some Costco stuff. According to B (tho not sure the guy said this at all), can no longer flush toilets, do laundry, anything that adds more water to the broken line (showers? dishwasher?) for at least a week till they can start the work, pending permits and then takes 3-5 days. Was pretty much beside myself. Andy's knee surgery today (partial replacement) and she returned from hospital just as B was going to ask Jake about using the toilet (not a good time for them and we aren't speaking to Moira, so that's out too). B went to Susan's and set herself up to use bathroom but is not a good solution and doesn't work for me at all. I called Marie - miraculously, guests at Casa left today and it's open for a couple days. I packed up, cooked the salmon and ate w/ B (tho didn't want to) and then headed over. Big afternoon of getting unpacked and set up, laundry. Had to run back to B's for list of things I forgot. So tired but blissful tonight to be on my own! And so grateful for all the things here.

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