Still tinkering

I have to keep my 1998 VW Polo working for another couple of months. After a few days not being used when we had the cold snap beginning/mid-December with a couple of nights at -12°C & daytime max -7°C, took her out for a drive, got 100 metres & she died on me.

Somehow got her firing on 2, 3 & occasionally 4 cylinders, have replaced some parts, but my attempts to get anyone to look at her properly are falling on deaf ears. Understandably nobody wants to spend time on her as she's heading to the scrap heap sometime after March.

Yesterday, did get a tip about air filter, so had a look today & cleaned it up a bit. Noticed a lot of oily/watery gunge in a breather pipe & cleaned that as best I could. This evening she seemed to be running noticeably better but still far from good.

I'm still puzzled by one cable that is hanging around loose, for which I can find no logical fixing point. Think I'm going to have to go to the local VW garage.

PS To put this into context. The car cost €300 incl. Winter & Summer wheels back in July 2020. It should never have got through the MoT (TÜV) in March 2021 which gave it another 2 years of life. Corona made it very easy not to miss a good car, as never went anywhere. But now ......

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