
By pipnat51

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Feeling sorry for myself as I've come down with a virus or something. It started Tuesday evening and slowly got worse since then. Dosed up with paracetamol which takes the edge off it.

Haven't really felt like doing much today but I had to find a blip from somewhere. Hey presto! I decided that today might be a good time to start reading my camera manual at last so I found it out and after making myself another cup of tea went back to bed.

I rested the camera on the book, lens facing down, and wondered if it would take a picture that close to something and yes it did. The depth of field is shallow but it's useful to know for future use. I've decided to enter it into today's Abstract Thursday challenge.

Jayne's headed off to choir practice in Shipston as they start rehearsing for their May concert this evening, Handel's "Messiah". A few weeks to go of course and before then we have the New Zealand holiday so it means that she will miss a few.

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