
No.2 had asked for my help with his tax return (with the promise of lunch) so I drove to London today to help him.  It was a long winded process as although he has kept all his invoices, they were filed individually.  I showed him how to create an excel spreadsheet and have separate tabs for all the different work he does.  We got all the records up to date (including this tax year too so it will be easier for him next year) and then started the process of the online submission.  However it appeared that there were two Government Gateway accounts and the computer kept saying ‘no’.  I tried phoning HMRC to no avail but eventually the right log in and changed password seemed to work.  We stopped for soup that I had taken with me rather than going out for lunch and Malcolm kept us entertained.

I think No.2 had rather surprised himself with his earnings when totalling up the spreadsheet and this year looks even better.   Now he has a better system he will be able to manage it all a lot easier and will probably use an accountant (rather than me) as there are many tax advantages of being self employed which I don’t know about.

OH stayed at home and did some gardening and I spoke briefly to No.1 at lunchtime who was feeling exhausted - bless her.  More tired than she has ever felt and sleeping most of the day - but sleep is a great healer and I’m hoping and praying that she will get through this phase, and feel more like her old self soon. 

Photo today is of Malcolm on his perch (constructed by OH) which he climbed onto without help - OH was chuffed he is actually using it.  I think Malcolm likes to be off the ground looking out of the windows. 

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