
Frustrating day. Builder was due round to discuss various things. He forgot! So I was hanging round for nothing.

Eventually I got out to a local decorating merchant. I wanted to look at wallpapers, other than those in the well known DIY stores. Well! It's just too mind blowing seeing all the books lined up I soon lost the will to try and choose.

Apart from the usual problems with building projects, I have to say the most frustrating and stressful part of this process is coming up with colour pallets. Nowhere near that stage yet, but I want to have some kind of plan in my head, but it’s so difficult. It’s just not happening naturally. Far too much choice out there, and certain trends are very much to the fore. Grey has morphed to a beautiful teal, but not sure I necessarily want to go with that (not brave enough!)

Image is some of the books with an overlay of some wallpapers I liked, edited in snapseed.

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