Dr Jones

By jones

3 years

I've always been a big photography fan. I picked up my Dad's 126 camera way back in the seventies when I was about 9 years old and have been taking pictures ever since. I was always the kid/teenager with a camera. I just wished we had the technology that we have today as I would have had an incredible amounts of photos. I do have a lot of photographs and hubby was very happy when the technology arrived as the house is no longer cluttered with processed pictures in envelopes.
In the year 2000, I decided to take a picture of the kids every day as a project for that year only. I would use my polaroid and write a diary entry every night.I became pregnant with my third child in that year and decided that I would carry on taking a picture every day. I have a stack of black scrapbooks with a photo and diary entry on each page.
Thirteen years later I'm still at it (but the photos are not always of the kids these days).
Three years ago I discovered blipfoto and stopped writing in my scrapbooks. What I love about blip is the ability to browse and being able to look at a picture that was taken on the same day last year. I keep meaning to upload all my old photos dating back to my very first entry on the 1st January, 2000. One day, I shall have the time to do that.

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