The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Salt And Sauce?

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince and I went to Six By Nico for lunch today. The current theme is ‘The Chippie’ with the six courses being cool twists on chippie favourites.

The Prince was VERY excited about the menu. He had picked out his favourite courses at the start, in particular the 5th course, ‘Smoked Sausage’, a trio of pork.

The anticipation started before course 4 was even finished, “I can’t wait for this,” he excitedly told me.

And out it came. The plates were placed on the table, his eyes lit up and right before he even picked up his cutlery…I knocked over my wine glass and it landed (and properly smashed) on his plate!

Thankfully the staff were absolutely lovely. It was cleared up in a flash, the food was replaced and the wait was worth it!

When we got home, The Mini Princesses asked how it had been. The Prince summed it up…“Your mother tried to glass me!”


PS We went to the Panto (Snow White) tonight with Mary Doll and the Niece and Nephew for the first time since 2020! It was, as always, brilliant. The lights, booing at the baddie, the panto dame, buttons, the costumes, ice cream in the interval, “Behind you” - I love it all!

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