Song For The Asking

It's mrfb's birthday next week so we met up with daughter#1 and the gang in Oxford for a pre-birthday lunch. We did the Park & Ride today which was so much quicker than getting a bus from Witney. We bagged an upstairs front seat again too.

It wasn't as wet as forecast thank goodness. The busker was good. He played the blip title very well. I liked the guy in the background in the blue beret though, paying no attention whatsoever .

We had a table booked for 12:30 in Côte which coincidentally was the kick off time for the Spurs v Pompey FA Cup tie which was being shown live on BBC iPlayer. The Côte wifi was good and we were able to stretch out an excellent lunch for the full match. I enjoyed watching it on my phone with Rory, and though, as expected, Pompey lost it was only 1-0 to a very good Harry Kane goal. If only Pompey played like that in the league.

I had a Meteor beer with my lunch and asked the waiter if he could bring me the bottle top for my collection. He did, but I was a bit disappointed as it was dented. Halfway through the meal though he brought me another perfect top, apologising about the first one being damaged. Such good service!

Oxford is not very good for greetings card shops, but I did manage to get a birthday card for mrsfb. I still haven't got her a present, although we did look at coats and wellies. Any suggestions?

Spooky update (with extra):
This morning I loaned some mounting tape to a member of the local camera club as she was 'in a pickle' as she had some prints to mount urgently. She wanted to pay something for it but I worked out the amount she needed was only about 14 pence worth. She's just called round to return the tape, and had baked us a loaf of bread to say thank you! It looks super. The strange thing is on our way back from Oxford we had to stop off to see if we could buy some bread as it was the one thing we were out of for this evening. We couldn't get any - but we've got some now!

One year ago:

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