
Nothing to do with the Cotswolds heart which was a Christmas present from daughter#2.

When sorting out the Christmas stuff in the loft we came across these two old humorous Northleach sheep prints which used to be in my study. We must have bought them over 20 years ago and originally they were in black frames, though with green mounts. We kept the mounts and bought some new white frames and now they look very good on the green walls in in the downstairs cloakroom. Unfortunately this means one of my still life photos which was going to adorn the wall in there has now been relegated to the back wall, behind the door when it is open.

Not a day for venturing out. I have been sorting out images and prints for the next camera club competition. For the first time I've been disappointed with the colour and detail reproduction on my Canon printer. I can't get the sepia colour which I see on screen to print out the same. I may have to think about calibrating my screen and printer. I will need some help from somewhere with this!

One year ago:
This Bird Has Flown :-(
That really was a flying visit.
The linked blip photo of Cheltenham two years ago seems very weird now.

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