Both still together!

Well I was quite free and comfortable after last nights session back in the saddle. So after work I was up to the yard to ride work on Jack, one of the trio of polo ponies that come to stay each season. First off we took them around "the block" a 5mile hack of roads and grass tracks, after a warm up walk and some trots on the tarmac, it was down to the canter work on all grass going. This took just on 20mins to complete, then followed 15mins in the school get him to bend and doing transitions, walk to trot, walk to canter etc. It was good, exhilarating and a good workout!
A mad rush home shower a bite to eat and off to the camera group meeting. Back home now slightly stiff, pleasantly tired and very behind with comments ! Will try and get caught up tomorrow. Take care one and all ;¬}
PS thanks to Rob (one of the other riders ) for pressing the button on tonight's blip.

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