
Given the experiences I had last year I want a new kitchen. Now that I am in the kitchen a lot I'd like a larger kitchen. Our kitchen is perfect for one person but you add a person, and/or you add a dog, then you have four sets of feet and you can't move. Then open the refrigerator or open the dishwasher and you are trapped. I saw Kate's kitchen and was totally jealous. I took this with a fisheye to make it seem bigger but I bet you can understand why I want a bigger kitchen. 

Oh, and fix that stove.

There is a very nice man underneath my car right now. I didn't do anything to him! He's putting a metal shield on the underside as the OEM was coming apart. I do hope he doesn't die down there. 

I saw my eye doctor today. Seven years after the accident and I am still healing. One of the sets of glasses that needed a prism no longer does. Hallelujah. In two weeks life in new lenses should be much easier. 

The other Christmas, Epiphany, was the other day. In Kyiv's cathedral the Christmas service was in Ukrainian for the first time in decades - signaling that it has split from the Russian orthodox church. Remember that the Russian Orthodox church leader supports the invasion. In fact, Putin thanked them for doing so. Ukrainian troops were in Ukrainian uniforms singing Ukrainian carols. 

A bronze statue of Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov has been dismantled in the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro. This is the third statue honoring a Russian to be torn down.

A Ukrainian unit is working to build a grenade that they can drop with a little drone. Ukraine adapts, giving them the ability to face superior troop numbers and long-range weapons. Ukraine lets its lower-level commanders have leeway and they don't have to navigate a bunch of bureaucracy. Russia does. Ukrainian geniuses can share their inventions with other drone units in chat groups. Russians are stuck with mass produced munitions and they get all the bureaucracy. 

Germany wants to provide 40 Marder infantry vehicles to Ukraine before the end of March. 

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