Drop it or I'll shoot!

This hungry little man was rippin' through the oranges this morning. He's still not too happy about me and my camera, but he put up with me for a few minutes and then chirped angrily at me when he'd had enough. To which I replied, "Tough little birdy, if you want the oranges, you'll just have to deal with me!" I'm pretty sure it's not a good sign that I'm talkin' smack with the wildlife... Big and bright. (In case you are wondering, these are his true colors - unaltered by me or machine.)

I had every intention of skipping the bird images today, but I snapped the oriole first thing (just in case). Then a few other (non-bird) things later, that were nice but nothing special. And at the end of the daylight, I got a few of this White-capped Sparrow whom I've never seen before. The oriole was, by far, the most appealing. Isn't it always the case that the first shot or the last shot of the day ends up being the best?...

I'm so very far behind in my thank yous and comments and housework and yardwork and and and... I'll catch-up as soon as I can. Right now I have to go hose off the dog. Riley just came in, as I was typing this, covered in wet mud/muck from the lake... Ugggh.

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