Bog flowers

**update: they are actually Marsh Marigolds. Thanks to Naturelover for that ID.

We took a little hike today to where I saw tons of these flowers along and in a creek. It was hard to get the shot I wanted, as I didn't have my wellies with me. In the end, this one with the bee was the best of the bunch.

I tried for something else as the day went on, but the light was too flat. Too bad it's so dim out right now... the oriole is at my oranges again. He's ticked off that the oranges are all used up and he's telling me off. LOUDLY. Pushy bird...

Better keep it short tonight and try to catch up on all of the things I'm behind on... that would be everything. Have a good evening or day depending on where you are! :)

If I had to venture a guess, I'd say that this is a burrowing bee. (Approx. 1/4 inch long)

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