First Gosling

I was beginning to think that I wasn't going to see any waterfowl babies this year. No goslings.

But, all that changed this week. 4 families of geese, and 1 family of ducks. Although many people see them as pests...I never get tired of watching them...especially the babies.

I relate them to our own children and grandchildren. At first, they stick extremely close to mom. Then, they start to venture off. Next, they're hitting the water by themselves, and picking on their smaller siblings. and dad say..."Hit the road's time!"

Speaking of babies, I went and watched my baby while his mama went to the doctor. The female kind of doctor. I tried to kid her about it when she got home...but she was having none of my joking. I think she called me a pig. Oink...oink.

I have to be REAL careful, but the little guy likes to wrassle. And, when he jumps on better be ready. When he was much younger, I would let him sit on my chest, grab him by the thighs, and bench-press him skyward. The fun part then was trying to dodge the drool that inevitably came towards your face.

Now...he doesn't drool, but he is so much heavier. He weighs 41 pounds. And...he wants to bark out orders. "UP"...he yells. Then, after tiring of the higher view..."DOWN." Over and over again, until Grandpa gets tired.

These 2 babies were part of a family of 13. Mother Goose, Father Goose, and 11 goslings. Hope the turtles leave them alone.

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