The Elvis Consolation

Today was NOT a good day. It involved a bout of insomnia, a blocked toilet, a broken plunger, a hacking cough, the recurrence of a mouse infestation and a minor car accident.
The bout of insomnia was not mine and neither was the hacking cough but they both had a bearing on the day to come. A member of my household has had trouble sleeping over the last few weeks but this means they continually get out of bed, run a bath (it helps THEM sleep!) and/or switch on the lights or tv at random times during the night or very early morning. Usually I manage to sleep through it but this time I was awoken at just after 1 am to be advised the toilet was blocked. Brilliant!
The household plunger had been located but then broken so after several failed attempts to unblock the loo by other means (I'll spare you the awful details) at 1.30 am I was trying to fix the plunger with gaffer tape. Thankfully this eventually worked and I went back to bed. Only to be woken less than three hours later by another household member's hacking cough (that they won't do anything about!!). AARGH!!!
I managed to get back to sleep in the end but by the time I woke up for the third time I was greeted by the recurrence of our kitchen based mouse invasion (I could hear the little s*ds scrabbling about in our kitchen cupboards) and I was informed by the hacking cough household member that they would need a lift to work as they had forgotten about the train strike! By this stage I was irritable, grumpy and very tired but I agreed. 
The car accident occurred when I was approaching a roundabout during the aforementioned lift. The car in front went to pull onto the roundabout but then braked suddenly and I then hit them in the rear. To say I turned the air blue would be an understatement! Thankfully nobody was hurt and the damage was minor with the driver of the other car just happy to exchange details.
After getting back home my brother, bless him, tried to raise my spirits by taking me out for a pub lunch.
To distract myself from all the 'drama' of the day I needed to concentrate on something else so I thought trying to get my blip done might help.
I found this Elvis mug (which has been used to mix paint) just outside our back door and combined it with some other items from around the house (o.k a dead plant and a string of lightbulbs) to create this image.
Apparently, the phrase on the mug "50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong" appears to originate from a one-page article titled "Can Fifty Million Americans Be Wrong" by a music journalist called Les Brown in the September 19th, 1956 issue of Down Beat magazine, which was an unfavourable look at Elvis and his fans with Brown bemoaning the lack of appreciation of the "fine talents" of Jeri Southern, Dick Haynes and "other serious vocal artists" of the time.
It was later paraphrased as a tagline for reissues of "Elvis' Gold Records -    Volume 2" - the fourth compilation album of Elvis hit singles originally issued by RCA Victor in 1959 which included such tracks such as "I Beg Of You", "A Big Hunk O' Love", "One Night" and "My Wish Came True".
With a little help from Elvis I was able to get everything into perspective by the end of the day!

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