
Felt somewhat better this morning but still very slow getting going! I had woken at 0645 and taken an antibiotic then gone back to bed! Fell asleep again and woke at 8.30 which was a nice surprise! Had a bath which always a longish time to fill but looked at blip which waylaid me as always!

Having had breakfast later I took the flask back to the friend who had dropped it off for me! She was with Monday women who meet at bistro Pierre on Mondays at 11.00. I popped in at the end as I didn’t want to infect anyone! I know most of the ladies that attend but mostly on Mondays Sian does yoga online then which is better for me!

Got home and did the washing up and cleaned out the fridge of all the things that could kill me being out of date! I then put the rubbish out which at the moment entails going out the front door up the stairs and round one way or the other to the back lane and put it in our bin! Had stuff to recycle as well so ditto for that! Except that our recycle bin was full but next door neighbours recycle bin was empty outside our flat so put my recycling in that one!

Noticed that someone had put their recycling in plastic bags before putting it the recycle bin and I think as a bin man I would refuse to take it unless done properly!
It is not rocket science to open the plastic bag and pour the contents in! Moan over!

Grumpy old woman speaking! Having emptied the fridge had to replenish so off to Lidl and back and a quick walk round the front where I noticed this anxious dog waiting for its mum and dad who were swimming! Am now jiggered so will collapse in a heap for a while before heating the beef and lentil pie that Lydia sent round with the birthday cake! She is such a star and very caring! Might regret doing so much today but decided to go to the theatre tomorrow afternoon to see Pinocchio, a puppet show!

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