
By KCNQ2Haiku

Bin day!

Apologies for
a dark street, trees and a bin!
Ultimate quick blip!

Ben went back to school! That was a Very Good Thing.  He struggled a bit in the morning at home but apparently had a good day.  They have him doing some travel training at the moment so he went on a double decker bus today and had a hot chocolate in a local town.  Sounds like a pretty good day to me.  He was very anxious and aggressive we he got home though so it hasn't been a very easy evening.  There's a lot going on and I think he's growing again, which might mean hormones and medication level changes, so we just have to keep routines firm and hang in there I think..  
I had a good day, it was busy.  I met a new physio for my knee pain and after listening to my description of the symptoms he had a different approach to anyone else I've seen, he thinks it might be nerve-based.  It was interesting and it would be great if he could help it go away :-) 
I had a chat with the dog breeder about little Leo's current routines and where he's up to with meeting people and did a ridiculous amount of research into pet insurance and vet plans.  My brain is now fudge and I still don't feel I've worked out the best strategy yet!  
Then I fetched Ben and there was drama so, amongst other things, I was late putting the bins out.  We have a neighbourhood that takes Putting The Bins Out quite seriously.  Some houses do it in a two stage process, bringing the bins towards the gate earlier in the day, a bit like they want to demonstrate that they know it's bin day and they haven't forgotten and then they finally put them by the kerb at teatime.  It really makes me laugh.  I always wait until someone else has done it to make sure I'm putting out the right colours!  Our next door neighbours are all over it, they typically put out first, then the lady opposite copies them.. and I copy her and I can only assume the diagonal opposite neighbours copy us??  It's a perfect zig zag system but heaven help us all if the first family make a mistake.  Bin chaos!  I love it though, we've lived in places where we really didn't want to speak to the neighbours as they were very challenging and our current street is just like a happy (if nosy) neighbourhood watch scheme.  One of them said to me a couple of days ago, in a slightly lowered and menacing tone, "Looks like we'll be getting roadworks then.." followed by the customary "tut".  All because a sort of shipping container from the gas company has been plonked at the end of the street, you can just see it in this photo.  In fairness if we do actually get roadworks I'll probably be the first one whinging about not being able to get out and about but still, the street dynamics keep me entertained!  Right, that's it folks.  Better day tomorrow.  Almost certainly :-D

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