Gloucester Quays

As planned we spent a wet day in Gloucester. Actually it wasn't as wet as predicted so while mrsfb tried on numerous coats and pairs of wellies in the outlet shops I had a wander around the docks and got a couple of images for my blip. No coats or wellies were purchased but the birthday girl did find a pair of boots that she liked. So some success.

Everywhere was quiet. We had lunch in a fairly empty Nandos. We are usually the oldest customers whenever we go to a Nandos, not that we have been for quite a while. This time the waiter put extra effort into explaining how the ordering works - we must have looked extra old and confused. It's all coming back to me now I said.

When we got home we had a Zoom with our daughters and grandsons. Apparently Rory woke everyone up in the Wapping household this morning singing Happy Birthday to Nana, and Joe wanted to know why there was no party.

Also when we got home there was a package by the front door from daughter #2 - a giant Toblerone.

All in all a good day I think, which mrsfb enjoyed.

Camera club was good last night, a lot of interesting stuff about composition. I don't think the presenter would like my extra though. He was very much 'a photo should be a photo' man, any 'creative' Photoshop editing is really graphic design (I think that's what he called it). Oh well.

One year ago:
Fact Or Fiction?

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