The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

As It Unfolded

Dear O'H, Lovely Tea Jenny & Eldest Mini Princess,

It’s very windy today which meant big drama on the street WhatsApp group…

Drew (no 52) put out a message to say that the lid of his food waste bin was missing.

(At this point The Prince was muttering that he has to get himself “off that group” while I suggested replying with “Thoughts and prayers”.)

BUT then the situation escalated, Bert from no 42 was missing his WHOLE bin, not just the lid.

You’re on the edge of your seat, aren’t you?

Then an update from Leigh (no 48) with a backstory - it was her husband who rescued Drew(no 52)‘s “topless bin” with the helpful advice that the lid is “probably somewhere up the street”.

She also offered up a spare food bin from her garage, “unclaimed from a windy day some time ago” and IT ALL BECAME CLEAR. Remember this? I can only conclude that Leigh is stealing bins (or bits of them) and f’ing with our heads. She probably has an ENTIRE garage full of them. There is clearly a hidden darkness to what at first glance seems to be a sweet and helpful lady.

Sadly no word of Bert’s bin but there is a random Christmas tree rolling about the road. Maybe he could put use it as a placeholder for his missing bin until Leigh decides to release another hostage.

I see you Leigh!


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