Return of the apple blossom

Home safely - after an extremely pleasant journey.
I was flying with Royal Jordanian, an excellent airline. Charming staff. Classy looking plane. Excellent food (deliciously tasty sort of chicken in a slightly curried sauce). And the best choice of films I've ever seen on an airline. In addition to the current top choices, there was a selection of the 50 best oldies.
I'd watched "Skyfall" on the way out, and "Lincoln" on the way back.
Plus some superb Jordanian documentaries about Petra and Jerash and on the way home, a brilliant concert by the Jordanian pianist, Zane (who I will certainly check out again.)

Thank you everyone for your comments and your interest in my journey. My rationale for 11 hours of flying and a weekend so faraway was a concern that in years to come, it may be even more difficult to visit this area. I am so pleased I had a marvellous week in Syria before all the trouble started. This is a wonderful part of the world and they do not deserve all the war and killing and suffering.

My garden has thrived with the rain. The wild geraniums have one bloom out. The lawn is disgraceful (and it rained today)

But my biggest relief was to see the apple blossom.

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