Rainy days.

Well I was awake too early this morning as Harp ended up having a bad dream and climbed in with us at like 3am so I went through to her fire engine bed. And then the jedi woke at half 4 soaked through.  The big boys ended up getting up at 5am which is way too early for them especially as they're now back at school.  Everyone was fed and dressed, and the stairs hoovered and the washing machine on before Mr R had gotten out of bed. He had had a bad night with his tooth. Thankfully he got a temporary filling today. So hoping that lasts him as his next appointment isn't until April.  

I had said to the jedi about going for a walk this morning and when we left it started chucking it down. But he doesn't mind the rain and loves puddles. We went to the bridge and got all the lorries to beep as they drove past. 

We met a few people with dogs on our walk, all on leads. The jedi is scared of them but he let me have a conversation with a complete stranger. And funnily enough it had started because of the dog lead which is attached to the jedi for his safety but also gives him room to roam. This lady said her nephew has autism and having a lead would have been a great idea for her sister.  Quite a positive conversation.  And then some random rude woman walked past and Tudded,  " a dog lead is for dogs ". Well we do what works for us and this helps massively.  

My nose is like a tap . But I survived the bike ride to go and get Harper from nursery.  It felt good to be back on the bike after over 4 months but I can tell that I'm not as fit as I was. And having a cold didn't help the cycling in the wind and rain. But we got there and back just fine. There was one hairy moment when I put my arm out to signal I was turning right and I was coming up to a roundabout,  when some random woman in a car decided to overtake and be a right douche.  She didn't even wait and there was cars coming towards her . 

The boys had a good day at school.  And were pleased that their dad picked them up today. Nana and grandad are back in Glasgow as my fil is having another small procedure on the other eye this time. He gets the eye that's just been operated on done again next week. 

The jedi is absolutely knackered and is struggling to stay awake. I definitely don't like wildlings napping at this time of the day. So goodness knows how he will sleep tonight if he has a wee danger nap now. 

I've still a few things to do around the house and dinner to make for the wildlings and dinner to prep for Mr R and myself.  I'm making a chicken and spicy satay dish tonight.  We have been reducing our portion sizes which is helping and I started doing wall pilates exercises last week. I just need to get on the bike more and I'll be happy.  When I start my new job I'll be cycling about 10 miles a day which should help. If only the weather would get better.  I don't remember it being so bad for so long.  Ita been raining for weeks here. 

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