West Coaster

By WestCoaster

River View

It has been one of those days... if you don't like the weather wait 15 minutes and it will change and so it has been!!

I was out at lunchtime and could not see the streets for the sweeping rain so when I had to leave the office early to head to a meeting and the sun was out, well I knew where I was heading. I had spotted this navigation tower from the bridge a while ago but did not know what it would be like close up or even if I could get close enough for a decent shot. I worked out where I thought it was and off I went. I scrambled through the undergrowth following the sound of the gently lapping waves and came out right where I wanted, pure fluke or freaky genius... I will let you decide!!!

I knew what I wanted and for once three frames and I was done, I saturated the reds in the camera as I liked the contrast against the sky and the bridge beyond, I still find the bridge sinister these days and so the monochrome kind of suits her presence in the shot.

I liked the softness of the clouds against the angular structure of the bridge, the ripples of the waves and the shapes of the ivy on the quay wall. The quay is dilapidated the tower in disrepair but the shapes and textures of the tower just appealed to me... I hope you like it too

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