West Coaster

By WestCoaster


Today was another day, much like yesterday, sun, rain, sun but all the time working away a chill wind. I sometimes feel I echo the title of this photograph.. burnout but I just keep plodding on, every day in every way a little stronger, I try and practice this one, good days and bad days its all part of the healing road.

I went for a walk this afternoon I headed for the river but stopped a little short on the banks of the Forth and Clyde Canal when I saw this ruined and burnt out cottage, situated as it is next to a lock I suspect in bygone years it will have been a lock keepers cottage or a water mans cottage not sadly redundant and having suffered not only the ravages of time but the revulsion of vandals and fire raisers. To see these properties empty is bad enough but to see the wanton destruction I find totally abhorrent.

I had a specific shot in mind but that was not to be, I was not keen on this one but it was the best of the stuff I did shoot this afternoon, I liked the shapes of the lock and its visible engineering, I likes the ripples of the wind blown water and I liked the melancholic appearance of the cottage, the charred rafters and the falling roof. I like the ray of sun across the canal too. I hope you enjoy this shot

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