
By NightOwl45

My First Shower of 2023!

I finally managed to find the determination, energy and confidence to get into the shower with my burnt foot today with the aid of the shower seat. I was really anxious about falling as I woke up in agony all over, burnt foot inclusive.

My fibromyalgia is not happy due to the endless, torrential rain and the extra pressure the burnt foot is putting on my right hand side. I’m exhausted. I didn’t sleep until 2am again and was up at 8.30am.

I watched the birds feed at the bird table through the window this morning and at 2pm, decided enough was enough and forced myself up and into the shower. I wrapped my burnt foot complete with sock and dressing still on as the district nurse had advised. I used two small freezer bags, tied them up and used masking tape to keep them in place. 

I placed my radio on a stool in the hallway and left the bathroom door wide open. I thought the music would calm my nerves about falling whilst washing and getting in and out of the shower. I left my walking stick close to hand. The music really helped and I can’t tell you how good it felt to have warm water on my aching joints.

The whole process of getting in and out of the shower, dressing my wound and getting into a tracksuit took almost two hours. The dressing inevitably got wet despite me taking so much care so I rested after showering and redressed my foot using the pack the district nurse left me yesterday. 

I think I did a pretty good job. There’s an extra of how my foot looks now from just after I got out of the shower and sat down to dress it - put it in the extras in case anyone is squeamish. It’s still so very raw and sore. 

I think it’s going to take time to heal. I’m going to ask the nurse tomorrow when she comes to change the dressing if she can prescribe some prescription burns cream to help soothe it. I am fed up of taking paracetamol every four hours.

I also need to ring my physio and ask for some kind of foot boot as getting a trainer on and off is still proving excruciating. Even putting my slipper on is sore.

The other extra is of the bird table - I snapped it this morning through the window as I willed myself to get up and into the shower. Blue tits are such cute little birds.

I nipped out to the nearest shop for milk, some tinned food and picked up some bird seed as I had ran out. It’s meant to be drier tomorrow so hopefully I can give them some seed. They prefer that to the stale brown bread and nuts I put out yesterday. They’ve ate them but aren’t as keen on them as they are on the seed.

I’m off to make something quick and easy for dinner and watch some telly with my extricate heat pad on to relax my muscles and ease my fibro pain. I will probably watch The Apprentice as I didn’t manage to catch up on it last night as I had intended as I was nodding off in the chair.  

I also need to do a Duolingo German lesson to keep my streak up. I might have a short power nap after dinner. An early night for me with my book. Absolutely knackered but at least I am fresh and clean. I desperately need to get a fringe trim as soon as I am able to do.

I hope you have all had an enjoyable Thursday. Thanks for all your kind comments, stars etc :) xx

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