
After a good nights’ sleep and breakfast, we set off to get some provisions. There is a concrete walkway along by the water’s edge where we saw lots of different fish, birds and later this enormous caterpillar in extras. The supermarket we had been looking for doesn’t reopen after Christmas until tomorrow but we found another two shops and I bought some bits from a market stall. Even the dogs are polite here, one waited for us to pass before going on it’s way. We had a lovely dip in the sea this afternoon and walked along to Princess Margaret’s beach which was busier. It started raining on our way back and there was a heavy downpour when we returned. In the evening we went out to dinner at the Fig tree where the female chef owner came out to ask if we had enjoyed the meal, it was delicious, I had fresh tuna with local vegetables and my husband had the goat dish. I took this shot of the sunset before we went out for dinner. 

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