Strike that. Reverse it!



500 blippity blips!!! I still can't believe it! Here's a selection of some of the blips I've taken so far! This milestone has crept up on me a little!

I do still love to blip but am finding I'm losing my blip mojo too much recently. So 500 being a milestone means its decision day. If I stop what will I do? I doubt I'd use my camera as much, which would mean I wouldn't learn as much.

If I carry on - I really am struggling at the moment. Lack of blip-spiration! Will it come back? I'm not sure, I really need to get stuck in with other journals and then maybe it will come back. Perhaps my lull is due to me feeling generally flat in life and tired all the time. I really did say that while it was fun I'd carry on......

So what to do? I can't do occasional blips I'm an all or nothing person.......

Well enough of all that waffle! I would like to thank all the lovely blippers who have taken time to comment and read my journals over the last 500 days! It has meant so much to me, thankyou.

I really hope that you've all had a good Tuesday and until I blip again (which may be tomorrow who knows what tomorrow will bring) I wish you all the best!

Take care

Gem xxx

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