Strike that. Reverse it!



I would like to thankyou all so much for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts for my 500th blip yesterday. It means so much to me that you've taken the time to pop by and see my blip.

Recently I've been struggling with a lot of things and blip which was my release has become one of those things. So I had decided I wasn't going to continue, even up until now I wasn't going to blip. I'd ended up so behind on peoples journals I felt unable to comment on any. So last night I decided to stuff my OCD and randomnly comment :0) I know not a huge thing but I'm a logical person and the scatter gun approach doesnt sit well with me. However, it did snap me out of my lull a little and reminded me how much I love blip. Its you guys and all your journals. Thats what makes it for me. Yes I do love taking photos but its clear now that I love looking at all your amazing journals so much more. I know I'm getting mushy but its true :0)

This blip wasn't a blip, a friend needed photos of shops within Pontefract, as I was taking them I accidently took this, ok, I admit it I was a little blip possessed for a moment. See 501 days and its under the skin! ;o)

Been a busy day today and I've just sat down to have some tea, so I will blip and run again. I will pop by though :0)

In the meantime I hope you've all had a lovely Wednesday xxx

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