Monkey and...Monkey
Well, after 10 plus years of keeping Asha's beloved Monkey's stunt double a secret, today we told her. Thankfully she found it utterly hilarious! Mom bought back up Monkey when Asha was a tiny tot as we lost Monkey for 24 hours once and it was absolutely awful! Anyway, she's named the stunt double 'Hermy', short for hermanito, meaning 'little brother'.
A morning spent prayer walking and sorting out some things for someone at the Post Office. Took absolutely ages as the systems weren't working properly. I also caught up with a homeless friend. She's just decided to move into the new shelter as she wants to cut down her drinking and feel safe at night. I'm so pleased for her!
We ate our baguette and cheese on the beach before coming home for an early dental appointment for Asha - she starts braces in the new few weeks!
Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha seeing the humour and good intention in back up Monkey. I was a bit worried she might feel duped...
2) Feeling encouraged on my prayer walk.
3) The sound of the waves at lunchtime.
Added - here's the last time Monkey and Hermy were seen together...!
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