Golden Gorgeousness

I had a visit with Mitch this morning - absolutely brilliant to see him. A lot's happened this week so it was good to hear how he's getting on. We both left the visit feeling perkier. I walked home which was lovely - sunshine and blue sky...and I wanted to time how long it took so that I don't need to always rely on getting a lift (55 minutes!). 
I bumped into Asha and Charlie getting Isabel a gift from the stationary shop - how has this happened that my girl is now old enough to pop to the shops with her friends??!!! I'm sure she's only about 3 years old really, and not actually soon turning 12!
Danny was very kind and took both kids off to Isabel's birthday party, leaving me time to potter and then get out with my camera for the golden hour. I've added some pics in extras. Home for a chat with mom and dad, and exciting birthday plans...and then a family film (TinTin) with Danny and the kids.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with Mitch. He may have a contact for us re a new flat - looking likely we need to move by the end of Feb.
2) The first part of the walk back from prison being through countryside - beautiful.
3) The smell of the wild herbs as I walked round the outside of the Old Town walls this evening. 

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